Game Designs

VR Dashing CHeck-in 4/25/24

Damage is now a thing. Enemies can be destroyed, as can the player – we’re starting to have a game or something on our hands here. Naturally, this update introduced some bugs, which I’m going to have to review for the next update. Until next time!

VR Dashing Check-in 4/10/24

Another couple of weeks of development – my goals were to add a reload system, as well as enemies. Reloading was trivial to add (though I have more I want to do with it – check in later), but the AI was much more time-consuming. I’m pretty pleased with how they are coming along though!…

VR Dashing Check-in 3/30/24

This is a longer-form personal development project that I’ve had in-mind for a while. It’s a VR project based on some research I read about years ago – research that I can’t find now, for the life of me. The gist of the idea is, motion sickness is caused by a disconnect from the perceived…

Finishing Deckweaver: UI Updates

Arguably, most ALL of my work on Deckweaver has been focused on UI/UX. What I mean is, the very purpose of good VFX is it tells a player what is happening; it visualizes the invisible machinations of the code beneath, while telling a story. In this way, transitioning to working on outstanding UI issues of…


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Photo by me.
Game Designs

Here are some of my game design projects, whether they be analog or digital.

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